Decided to make a dedicated post(s) specifically to share about work-related especially for this program UFLP, hehe sinceeeeee.... when I was in the job-hunting position, the posts I read about the program was really a big help for me, so here I come. Maybe it could be something to 1-2 of you. -- Dimulai dari tahapan seleksinya kali ya I would say it was a long process, the HR team really worked hard for this. So big appreciation for them for making it happened :) Anyway the process is different for each function and since I applied for the Supply Chain function, aku akan share terkait dengan SC function 2021 kemarin ya. Hopefully it gives you the big picture tho for other functions. 1 - Application Submission Nah setiap function tuh jadwalnya beda-beda, kalo nggak salah di tahun 2021 yang buka duluan itu function finance dan GtM terus SC tuh agak terakhir periodenya sekitar Mei ya kalo aku nggak salah. Terus disusul HR function. Please regularly check the kami.unilever Instagram accou...
Ini topik yang cukup sensitif dan semua orang punya padangannya masing-masing, mohon kebijaksanaan para pembaca. Ini sebagai salah satu pendapat umat manusia, yaitu aku, tentang topik ini yang mungkin bisa jadi info baru aja:) Jadi sempat hangat isu tentang istri dan pekerjaan rumah. Satu sisi ada yang berpendapat, kondrat perempuan adalah mengerjakan pekerjaan di rumah. Ada juga yang berpendapat, cari istri atau cari ART? Nah kalo pandangan aku gimana sih nih sebagai perempuan jugaa?
This is surely just a random writing, in between random times where your head is just having a lot. and writing used to be my release. So lets give it another go! ((so disclaimer this is just a random diary out of the blue)) Today is kinda a big day. One of my loveliest, kindest close friends is getting married. Spent so much time preparing for the big day. From the excitement of becoming her bridesmaid - going to the tailor for the kutubaru-kebaya uniform, choosing the ‘right’ red kerudung, even thinking about the shoes, brooch, etc. Not usually one for being so detailed with events, but really, I just was just s000 excited. Got home at 8pm last night (the day before the big day), then started preparing everything for the next day. Literally arranging all the little things to be worn. Even counted how many hours of sleep were needed, because makeup had to start early at 4:30 am. HAHAHA oh I miss that kinda of excitement. Even I got woken up many times and checking the phone clock...