A Though About Life #1

 Hi! Peepz its been so long not writing. So I decided to make another one during my Saturday night after going through a crazy traffic jam in the end-year school holiday season while listening to an exciting and very thoughtful podcast from Pak Gita Wirjawan Podcast with Pak Kishore Mahbubani.

This is just a random thought of mine that I would just love to put it in words, while im still firing :D

So from the podcast, Pak Kishore Mahbubabi is telling about how great Singaporean have done in Copy-Cat-ing everything. Take lessons from other countries and implement them in their own system to fix their problem. I find this really interesting personally because I do believe it to be true. In this very advanced world, indeed the problem that we are facing today might be the old-problem-story on the other side of the world where they have found the solution. So why not learn from them?

It is a very simple practice yet are we applying that? I don't think so. (This is going to be a very personal thought, where I am way far from perfect or smart, surely there would be flaws in my statement but I am surely open to anyone thoughts/feedback) (jeez im scared to put my thoughts publicly, but I will go for it haha) (I also fully acknowledge that my English not even that great, but anyway I will go for it also haha*)

So back to Topic

I personally don't think we have that mindset of growth yet that making us not moving to the direction to copy-cat what others have done and actually solving a problem

I feel like we still haven't woken up yet to the fact that there is so much to be improved in our lives (we start small surely). We are still stuck in our comfort zone, thinking that we are doing fine and just doing life as it is. Please people don't. Please realize how we are still being left behind among other countries. This is also another explanation when people tell me "whY ARe You WoRKIng so Hard, HeY?" Why being so ambitious to achieve things? "WhAt ArE yOU LOoKING For, wOrKiNG crAzily lIKe thAT?"

I am not saying that my working ethic is the best practice, I still have so much to improve. But when people ask me why I work so hard...I would also have the interest to ask back, "why are you not?" I mean look around, don't you think we have so much to catch up to be competitive with others??? I don't spend hours working for no reason, it is simply because I want to do things right so that for once I can be proud to say that we have done our best, have learned from the best, and have implemented the best practice in our works. I mean how come you live comfortably when you know everything is currently on fire?

Benchmarking is the effective way I believe to do in life. That is how you can have a broader knowledge of how the people on another side of the world doing well. So that we realize the gap that we have, and have that spirit to be better and better each day. Aren't that what we want to achieve? Creating a higher quality of life? Being stuck on your comfort zone is the disaster you are making for yourself and your future children.

Don't work hard but work smart -> Thing I am still on the process of implementing, but I strongly believe in the strength of this. Please Indo people, jangan kerja keras nanem padi subuh-subuh tiap hari dan merasa kita sudah berusaha, tapi terus ternyata hasilnya tidak optimal karena kurang nya ilmu. Gak sedikit cerita petani kita bangkrut karena hama dan sebagainya, merasa yaudah emang nasib. No, orang lain di dunia sana juga pasti dulu ada yang pernah merasakan hal yang sama! Mungkin kita bisa belajar dari Vietnam bagaimana negara mereka sekarang bisa menjadi ekportir beras besar-besaran sementara kita masih berkutat dengan hama, petani tidak sejahtera?

Take time to think, what are we doing wrong? how are people on another side of the world doing it? It is important how everyone to have that growth mindset so we can exponentially grow instead of being in the same position. Mending kalo posisi nya posisi sejahtera, kita masih jauh kayaknya dari sejahtera hehe. 

Begitu juga dalam bekerja, etik kerja untuk punya mindset bertumbuh itu super penting bagiku untuk bisa maju bareng-bareng. Dan penting untuk semua layer terlibat dalam hal ini. Kadang suka bete sendiri kalo berada di lingkungan yang masih punya mindset 'banyak alesan' dan 'menyalahkan keadaan'. Kapan maju nya kita? Coba deh bayangin di semua ideal world ketika semua layer posisi punya growth mindset (+ saling menghargai satu sama lain). Contoh di pabrik yg kebetulan saya lagi berkecimpung haha. Bayangkan ketika operator punya growth mindset ketika melihat suatu masalah -> "Mba, sekarang kita gak produktif, banyak aktivitas non value added nih ketika proses ganti shift" misalnya -> then kita jadi diskusi, oke apa yang bisa kita improve? -> akhirnya kita kerja lebih efisien dan bisa fokus melakukan hal-hal yang penting. Secara gak langsung anda membuat hidup anda lebih mudah hey. Coba kalo kita gini-gini aja, sementara dunia di luar sana semakin growing dan akhirnya kita tertinggal, namanya juga bisnis..di suatu titik pasti kita dituntut untuk ikut. Akhirnya kalang kabut sendiri. Haduh haduh. I don't think it will ever work, kerja sama orang yang gak mau berubah dan bertumbuh is a zolim pada diri sendiri wkwk.

Have that mindset of improvement, kerja jangan cuman seadanya yang penting dikerjain. Tapi berharap hidup makin baik kedepan? Gimana bisa?

Jadi buat semua orang yang membaca ini, please take your time to evaluate again how you have been contributing to life? Has your life become better? Are you moving in the right direction you want to be? Don't just stuck here, there is so much of life you can achieve trust me :)

So a little inspiration to share:

Let's learn from our neighbour, Vietnam, who has been growing massively for the past years. While Indonesia, ya sudah jauh tertinggal dan banyak yang harus dikejar. (Again jgn mental alesan terus ngeluarin statement, tapi kan gini gini gini, tapikan gitu gitu gitu. Ambil baik yg bisa diambil oke?)

Vietnam has transitioned from being one of the poorest global economies to one of the fastest growing. Vietnam’s rapid development in recent years has been due to rising industrial output, robust exports, growing domestic demand and strong foreign investment. The agricultural, manufacturing and services sectors are all major contributors to the economy. With companies including Samsung, Intel and Siemens investing significantly in the country, Vietnam has also become a hot spot for technology manufacturing in the region.

A little food for thought:

How come we are an agrarian country, still importing rice from India? Apa sih yang salah? Kurang ilmu kah? Gak efisien kah operasi kita? Merasa janggal gak sih ngeliat negara yang tanahnya segede dan sesubur ini tapi gak bisa memberi makan dirinya sendiri? Mikirin kayak gini kok bisa ya kita merasa 'nyaman' untuk tetep gini-gini aja? hehe

Tidak dipungkiri lah ilmu, teknologi, dan disiplin jadi kunci utama untuk bisa hidup lebih baik. So lets keep the fire of learning and wisdom to be in our daily basis spirit. Oke? Oke?

Sekarang mimpi kecil ku karena kebetulan lagi berkecimpung di pabrik adalah bisa bikin manufaktur terproduktif yang ada di ASEAN lha minimal, seharusnya bisa kan ya? Kenapa enggak gitu loh? Semua start dari mimpi, so please start yours, simply just so we can all have a better life. Hehe

Yaudah gitu aja random thoughts nya, semoga menjadi reminder ke diri saya sendiri dan yang baca :) See you on another random thought about life, byebye

*Somehow, someway, my thoughts are running in English? I even dream in English, so it is more easier for me to put my thoughts in English, even though I know I am not even that great at it. But it just how many brains communicate lol


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