A Though About Life #2: Embarking the Unknown

Soooooo a little background of why the thought is coming out; It has been 1.5 years me being part of the UFLP Program :D I am about to finish my second rotation in days, and I did learn a lot from each rotation. Beside the technical, system, and real work I have learned beyond that; How to communicate, coordinate, and compromise with people and your own selves.

Logistic taught me how I need to work with cross-functions where each of them has their own KPI which can be a trade-off from other's KPI. How you can communicate with other parties by including advantages from their point of view instead of just yours. How you can be persuasive so people would move to do whats needed to be done.

While in Factory, one precious thing to learn is how to embrace the unknown. Remembering how I stepped into the factory not knowing anything about the machines, zero technical background (besides the tiny physics we learned in high school). For the first time in my life seeing a production machine, while my role in the factory was to do an improvement of the production system. Improving its efficiency, reducing breakdown, analyzing the root cause of the abnormalities, name it. On the other hand, I had to work with hundreds of people who work directly on the shopfloor. The first hundred days were tough ones. Oh yes... it took me 3 months to finally get a grasp of the ground (not yet even standing haha). I remember being sleepless with the non stop thought of I am not doing enough. I literally couldn't go to sleep because my mind keep punishing me with the thought of "you should've done this, you should've said that... etc" I simply had this fear of not doing enough, of failure, not making an impact. Therefore those thoughts always haunted me. I couldn't breathe, my head was throbbing non-stop, it was hurting a lot physically cuz of that anxiety. But that constant thought and fear of failure were the ones that always keep myself on guard.. to never feel satisfied with what I have, it was my alarm to keep reminding myself that 'theres more to learn sar' 

And now that I have went through that 9 months of being in the whole new world, I came to a realization of how I am a new different person than I was before. Back then, I didn't even know what the heck in the world 'shaft' was... (fyi its one of the main part of machines to coordinate the movements). Without me realizing it, I was able to talk with the engineering global guy about machines for the whole day. I was not only able to answer his questions, but I was able to share what we have done in Cikarang (my site) and somehow was amazed by our work. It was the points where our work was acknowledged by the wider audience, I am saying across continents (South America, Africa, etc)  It was a point where I thought, Oh wow.. you should never limit yourself to something that you are not familiar YET! If that's what matters, your current knowledge boundary should never stop you. 

It might be uncomfortable at first being clueless, it might terrifies you. 

If it doesn't scare you it isn't worth doing, it isn't big enough. 

To be honest, I was aiming big for that rotation. (Thank you to my line manager and everyone in HC team for pushing us to our limits. It was something needed, even though I was complaining the whole journey but you know its us being human and letting those weight out haha) I knew it from the start that it was not going to be easy if I want to nail this one, because I want to do extra miles with this opportunity given to me. and heck I was trying hard to be. Was it smooth? Of course not. I went through many rejections and non-stop of feeling not being good enough. Through this journey I learned, the battle was always me vs myself. The war is always about do you want to try harder sar? do you want to make it happen sar? do you want to work for it sar? Other than that (how people react, the outcome, etc) is just not on my control so let it be. Focus on you, and you. 

Build your knowledge, your relationship with people, your skill. 

Those would be my spell. The rest of that, just do it! Kalo kata Mba Nana, "Be fearless, but don't be stupid" :)


So that is something I can share a bit.. and now as I am embarking to another journey of the unknown let me replicate those spell again, but this time harder + more combination of 'Just do it, lets make it happen'. Many flaws from my previous stint, lets do better this time :) #yukbisayuk


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