

Chaos and Love: The One where Iffa Gets Married

This is surely just a random writing, in between random times where your head is just having a lot. and writing used to be my release. So lets give it another go! ((so disclaimer this is just a random diary out of the blue)) Today is kinda a big day. One of my loveliest, kindest close friends is getting married. Spent so much time preparing for the big day. From the excitement of becoming her bridesmaid - going to the tailor for the kutubaru-kebaya uniform, choosing the ‘right’ red kerudung, even thinking about the shoes, brooch, etc. Not usually one for being so detailed with events, but really, I just was just s000 excited.  Got home at 8pm last night (the day before the big day), then started preparing everything for the next day. Literally arranging all the little things to be worn. Even counted how many hours of sleep were needed, because makeup had to start early at 4:30 am. HAHAHA oh I miss that kinda of excitement. Even I got woken up many times and checking the phone clock man

A Though About Life #2: Embarking the Unknown

Soooooo a little background of why the thought is coming out; It has been 1.5 years me being part of the UFLP Program :D I am about to finish my second rotation in days, and I did learn a lot from each rotation. Beside the technical, system, and real work I have learned beyond that; How to communicate, coordinate, and compromise with people and your own selves. Logistic taught me how I need to work with cross-functions where each of them has their own KPI which can be a trade-off from other's KPI. How you can communicate with other parties by including advantages from their point of view instead of just yours. How you can be persuasive so people would move to do whats needed to be done. While in Factory, one precious thing to learn is how to embrace the unknown. Remembering how I stepped into the factory not knowing anything about the machines, zero technical background (besides the tiny physics we learned in high school). For the first time in my life seeing a production machine,

A Though About Life #1

 Hi! Peepz its been so long not writing. So I decided to make another one during my Saturday night after going through a crazy traffic jam in the end-year school holiday season while listening to an exciting and very thoughtful podcast from Pak Gita Wirjawan Podcast with Pak Kishore Mahbubani. This is just a random thought of mine that I would just love to put it in words, while im still firing :D So from the podcast, Pak Kishore Mahbubabi is telling about how great Singaporean have done in Copy-Cat-ing everything. Take lessons from other countries and implement them in their own system to fix their problem. I find this really interesting personally because I do believe it to be true. In this very advanced world, indeed the problem that we are facing today might be the old-problem-story on the other side of the world where they have found the solution. So why not learn from them? It is a very simple practice yet are we applying that? I don't think so. (This is going to be a very pe