A Lesson From Life #1: Abang Tukang Soto
Quick chit-chat before we go to the main discussion, so....on daily basis I regularly take attention to many details that happen in my life. I think it was nature as a perfectionist? Or I am just a very curious person? and a very very active thinker? so I take everything into account, just to be a lesson for me in the future (again, as a perfectionist). I believe in learning something new every day, from every single detail that happens. Sometimes it is just as simple as discovering a unique yet I think very efficient way for a waiting line in a grocery store, where one day if I happen to have my own minimarket or a coffee shop, I will definitely implement it. Or when I see someone arguing and I happen to find this one party to be very wise on his argument, I will definitely take note of that. It is sometimes not really something big, but it may make us a little bit better from yesterday version of us :) And I think it will be exciting to write the experience down, in case I forget and...